The Yellow Peril

A while ago a guy in the Middle East kept sending me infrared photos, taken with a Canon camera during the day, like the one above top. I had not come across this before and it did not seem to matter what we tried, the photos always came out yellow and with no sign of an aura even when using a suitable test target. The new contact who took this picture also sent a photo of the same area, taken at sunset, which produced a more usual and interesting aura image, above bottom. Now I enhanced the images, myself from straight-off-the-camera images my contact supplied me, so there is no ‘photoshopping’ or fancy editing going on here. The temperature was 23 degrees centigrade in both cases, so the yellow caste does not seem to be temperature related. At the moment, I can only put it down to an anomaly with the particular camera perhaps letting more light than normal reach the sensor but if anyone has any other ideas, I would be pleased to hear them. Nevertheless if anyone else comes across the ‘yellow peril’ you now have a solution – take the photos at sunset as we had to do with the old Polaroid camera.

Categories: Orbs, Treasure Auras, Treasure Hunting, X-Factor, X_Factor

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