Metal Detecting Finds

King John’s Treasure & Road Works in Hertfordshire, UK

Categories: Metal Detecting, Metal Detecting Finds, Treasure Hunting

Incredible Treasures Found in US, France, and Denmark

Categories: Gold, Metal Detecting, Metal Detecting Finds, Treasure Hunting, Uncategorized

More Interesting Articles

Categories: Metal Detecting, Metal Detecting Finds, Treasure Hunting, Uncategorized

Stunning treasures found by people using metal detectors

Many thanks to Gregg for the links:

Categories: Gold, Metal Detecting, Metal Detecting Finds, Treasure Hunting, Uncategorized

Repairing Coins and Artefacts

George handed me a 2 x 2 inch card­board coin holder and, with tears in his eyes, said: “Can you mend this for me?” I looked, in horror, at what appeared to be the shattered remains of a coin as George explained that it was once an Iron Age silver unit that he had been […]

Categories: Cleaning & conservation, Metal Detecting Finds | Tags: , , ,

Pinpoint Probes

Garrett Pro-Pointer An extremely useful metal detecting accessory is an electronic pinpoint probe; a hand-held miniature metal detector, identifying all metal by audio and vibrating. This gadget helps identify the exact position of the find in and out of the ground so you can not only avoid damaging your find but speed up find extraction […]

Categories: Editorial, Metal Detecting, Metal Detecting Finds, Treasure Hunting

Round Pounds

The new 12-sided £1 coin became legal tender on 28 March 2017. The round £1 coin lost its legal tender status at midnight on 15 October 2017. There are still 169 million out there, which have not been returned to the mint. I am sure we will be finding them with our metal detectors for […]

Categories: Editorial, Metal Detecting, Metal Detecting Finds, Treasure Hunting

Treasure Hunting for Profit: With and Without a Metal Detector

BOOK DESCRIPTION If your dreams of finding treasure result in next to nothing, then this book is for you. David Villanueva draws on his 40 plus years experience to show you how and where to find, and profit from, many types of lost or hidden valuables in Britain, all year round. Treasure hunting is one […]

Categories: Gold, Metal Detecting, Metal Detecting Finds, Treasure Hunting

Airplane Hunting

Bristol Beaufighter firing rockets As Chairman of The Swale Search and Recovery (metal detecting) Club I was approached recently by an up-and-coming air museum to help look for wreckage of a WWII Bristol Beaufighter that had crashed on a local muddy foreshore during a training exercise. It was believed, or hoped, that there was a […]

Categories: Metal Detecting, Metal Detecting Finds, Treasure Auras, Treasure Hunting, X-Factor


Every detectorist dreams of finding a hoard and this new book will increase your chances of doing so. The rich history of the British Isles has led to the burial of thousands of hoards for many different reasons – some as offerings, some as savings or in an emergency, intended to be recovered later. Although […]

Categories: Gold, Metal Detecting, Metal Detecting Finds, Treasure Hunting

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