Metal Detecting Finds

NEW BOOK – Tokens and Traders of Kent in the Seventeenth, Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries

​THE PROVINCIAL TOKEN-COINAGECoins traditionally contained the value of the metal they were made from, less a nominal amount for the monarch and mint master and could only be produced by Royal decree. By the sixteenth century the penny and its fractions had been reduced in size by inflation becoming inconveniently small to manufacture and use. […]

Categories: Metal Detecting Finds

Antique English Spoon Found in Sweden

​Photo shows spoon with touch or maker’s mark insetI recently received this letter:My name is Anders from Stockholm, Sweden. I am writing to you with hope that that you might be able to bring some further clarity over a find my great grandmother made some 70 years ago. While digging in her garden she suddenly found an […]

Categories: Metal Detecting, Metal Detecting Finds, Treasure Hunting

To the Manor Drawn (part 2)

​ THERE was to be a five month wait until the trees were stripped of apples by the pickers, which gave me plenty of time to reflect on the previous search of the manor house site. After a battle with silver paper, a battle with the trees and about one hundred hours detecting I had […]

Categories: Dowsing, Metal Detecting, Metal Detecting Finds, Treasure Hunting, X-Factor

To The Manor Drawn (The Searcher, Jan 1997)

I suppose it was the searching of my mother-in-law’s garden with a metal detector that gave me the first inkling of how interesting the sites of old houses can be. Not that “mother’s” house was anything special; just a town house in a London suburb, built soon after the Great War. In one afternoon I […]

Categories: Metal Detecting, Metal Detecting Finds, Treasure Hunting

On the Third Day of Christmas…

…I dug up what you see. Using the Anderson rod to guide my Detech EDS metal detector, I was delighted to find this third or fourth century gold Roman child’s finger ring. The engraving on the bezel is of a palm leaf or branch, having the possible intention of protecting the wearer from disease. These […]

Categories: Dowsing, Metal Detecting, Metal Detecting Finds, Treasure Hunting


I switched back to baiting the Anderson PMR-II with pure silver on the basis that it should cover almost the entire spectrum of desirable finds, including solid gold, while reducing the apparent sensitivity to gold plate. It worked! It wasn’t long before I was holding an Iron Age gold stater coin, which I had dug […]

Categories: Dowsing, Metal Detecting, Metal Detecting Finds, Treasure Hunting, X-Factor | Tags: , , , , , ,

Detecting with the Anderson Rod

  Using the Anderson rod in one hand and my detector in the other worked surprisingly well. I had absolutely no issues balancing the Anderson, I suspect its weight keeps it stable. I did initially have a bit of a problem storing the Anderson when I needed to dig. I started by carrying a cloth […]

Categories: Dowsing, Metal Detecting, Metal Detecting Finds, Treasure Hunting, X-Factor

Anderson Precision Mineral Rod (PMR)

Continuing with my dowsing for treasure exploits using a baited rod, designed and built by my Greek friend Takis, my gold and silver finds definitely increased. Then Takis said what I really needed was a vintage Anderson PMR-II. This wasn’t the first time I had been told this, for in 2010 I had some dowsing […]

Categories: Dowsing, Metal Detecting, Metal Detecting Finds, Treasure Hunting, X-Factor

Biggest Treasure Finds Across the Globe by Michael Bernzweig

You don’t have to play the lottery to get rich. With a LOT of luck and a decent metal detector, you too can join the “winner’s club.” All around the world, there are stories of people uncovering treasure. To some treasure hunters, a find is only as good as its monetary value. But to others, […]

Categories: Metal Detecting, Metal Detecting Finds, Treasure Hunting

Gold Test

I changed the bait to gold on the L-rod and spent a further four hours detecting on the same field as the Silver Test (see previous post). The photo illustrates the finds. The first three objects from the left on the top row all have some gold plating remaining, while the fourth object is silver […]

Categories: Dowsing, Metal Detecting, Metal Detecting Finds, Treasure Hunting, X-Factor

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