Metal Detecting Finds

Silver Test

I had a small pasture field available, which I had searched in the past and made very few finds. The field had just been mown so searching conditions were as good as they could be and I decided to use the field as a test site for natural finds. I was now using a Detech […]

Categories: Dowsing, Metal Detecting, Metal Detecting Finds, Treasure Hunting, X-Factor

Unique Metal Detector Finds By Daniel Bernzweig

Sharing stories of unique metal detector finds never gets old.  If you enjoy metal detecting, then hearing what’s been found by others is not only fun in and of itself, but, it also wets your whistle so to speak and gets your mind racing with thoughts of what you might find during your next treasure […]

Categories: Metal Detecting Finds, Treasure Hunting

The Lost Silver Ring

                I had a distress  call the other day from a guy who had lost his ring in the sea.  Apparently he is a canoeist and was upside down in the water performing an Eskimo roll when his heavy silver ring fell off his finger.  All credit to the man […]

Categories: Metal Detecting Finds

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